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The CLA Higher Education Licence

The CLA Higher Education Licence

The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Higher Education Licence allows you to copy text and still images from most printed books, journals and magazines published in the UK, and many from overseas plus many digital publications. See the CLA’s User Guidelines for detailed information. 

What can and can't I copy under the licence?

Use the CLA check permissions search tool to find out what works can be copied.  

Certain categories of work are excluded from the licence:  

  • printed music 
  • maps and charts 
  • newspapers 
  • workbooks, work cards and assignment sheets.  

Some UK authors and publishers are also excluded – see Excluded works for more information.  

How much can I copy?

You can copy up to the following amount, whichever is the greater: 

  • one whole chapter from a book 
  • two whole articles from a journal issue (or where the issue is devoted to a particular theme, any number of articles from it)
  • one whole scene from a play 
  • one whole paper from a set of conference proceedings 
  • one whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings 
  • one short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology 


10% of the total publication.  

You can copy from any edition of a published work, but the limits outlined above apply across different editions of the same publication. 

What can be scanned/digitised?

Generally speaking, the following can be scanned: 

  • materials in printed format available in Leeds Trinity’s own collections and not available digitally  
  • copyright cleared digital copies of materials not in our collections obtained via the British Library. 

The same restrictions apply to scanning as to copying in terms of the amount of a work that can be scanned. However, we are able, on payment of a fee, to request a second chapter or further 10% of a work, via the CLA’s Second Extract Permissions Service.  

Materials which are personal copies of individual members of staff cannot be scanned, unless they are out of copyright or copyright free.  

Who can carry out scanning/ obtain copyright cleared digitised copies?

At Leeds Trinity University, only Library staff are permitted to make scanned copies of items. Academic staff wishing to make digitised copies of items available to their students should contact the Library Reading List team at with details of the module and item that they require.  

Scanned copies of items made by academic staff must be taken down. If available electronically within our collections, they can be replaced by a hyperlink. 

Where can scanned/digitised copies of items be made available and for how long?

Digital copies of items must only be accessible to users who belong to Leeds Trinity University, and not to anyone from outside the institution. This means that access needs to be password protected, and that the items should only be made available via specific module pages on Moodle to students studying the module and those teaching on it, and not on publicly available websites.  

Items can only be made available for the duration of the relevant module.