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Pure repository

What is Pure?

Pure is the University's research management system.  It allows researchers to create a personal profile and add details of their publications and other research-related activities.  Information added to Pure is published to the Pure portal which is a publicly accessible website.

Logging in to Pure

If you are a member of academic staff, a Pure account will be set up for you when you start your role at Leeds Trinity University.  If you are a member of professional support staff who is research active and you would like to use Pure, please contact the Research Office to request a Pure account.

The Pure staff interface can be accessed at  Pure uses single sign on and will automatically identify the Leeds Trinity University network account that you have used to log on to your PC and use it to log you in to Pure.  There is no separate username and password for Pure and you will not need to type in your username and password.  If you have any problems accessing Pure, email for assistance.

The first page that appears when you log in is the Personal Overview page which shows a summary of the data you have added to Pure.  From this page you can edit your Pure profile and add research outputs and other content.

Your Pure profile

In your Pure profile you can record details of your current research interests and teaching responsibilities, your academic and professional qualifications, and any relevant positions outside the University.  You may also wish to add a photo and links to your professional social media accounts.  To edit your profile, click the Edit profile link below the profile photo.  To view how your profile will look on the Pure portal, click the My public profile link.  You can edit your profile as often as you wish and any changes made are updated in real time on the Pure portal.

Adding research outputs

Pure allows you to add records for a wide range of publications and other research outputs including journal articles, chapters, books, and non-textual forms such as exhibitions.

To add a research output, click the green Add content button on the right-hand side of the Personal Overview page.  Choose an appropriate template and complete the relevant fields.  You can also import outputs from the Scopus, Mendeley or PubMed databases.

Newly created research output records are validated by the Library team who check that the metadata is accurate and that the records are copyright and open access policy compliant.  Research outputs added to Pure are also harvested by the CORE open access repository, making them available to a wider audience.

Adding other content

As well as research outputs, you can also add a number of other types of content to Pure.  These include details of attendance at academic conferences, invited talks, media interviews, datasets, prizes, and memberships of committees or professional bodies.

To add other content, click the green Add content button on the right-hand side of the Personal Overview page.  Choose an appropriate template and complete the relevant fields.

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