Your loans will be renewed automatically for up to nine months, unless they are reserved by another borrower.
To check your loans and due dates, go to:
You can return items at either of our sites, regardless of which Library the item was borrowed at.
You don't need your card to return loans at our self-service machines! Just follow the instructions on screen and deposit your items in the bins provided.
Library staff will be happy to accept returns during Helpdesk opening hours. Unfortunately, security staff are unable to accept returns.
You can still return items when the Library is closed!
In exceptional circumstances, we may accept returns by post. Please contact us to arrange this.
You can reserve a maximum of 10 items at a time.
If the book or item you would like to borrow is out on loan (or lost or missing), you can reserve it and collect it from the campus library of your choice. You will receive an email when it is ready to collect.
If you’d like to borrow a book that is available at the other campus library, you can reserve it and collect it from your home library:
Items can be reserved via Library Search:
Please come to the Library Helpdesk or contact us if you need any help with: